a journal ~ celebrating the power of God's love,
the wonder of grace, the blessing of peace and the living of JOY

Monday, 28 February 2011

a teardrop

one of the most recognized symbols of the Christian faith is the cross.  the fullest expression of the Father's love is the same.  when someone is personally caught in the middle of that tension, everything changes.  i have a tear-off calendar filled with wisdom quotes to consider, and this one from last week by harold lokes is profound:
"an act of love that fails is just as much a part
of the divine life as an act of love that succeeds,
for love is measured by fullness, not by reception."
the fullness of God's love is something to contemplate.  i marvel at the fact that Jesus hung on the cross between two thieves, between the only two choices the cross presents to us.  but our reception certainly doesn't determine success or failure on Jesus' part.  this act of divine love was lifted up for all to see, between earth and heaven.  when I saw the teardrop fall from heaven in the scene of the movie, the passion of the Christ, i was transfixed, breathless, and still.  i'm so thankful to be "caught in the overflow" of heaven's grace.
"my chains are gone, i've been set free.
my God my Saviour has ransomed me.
and like a flood, His mercy rains, unending love, amazing grace."

thanks for letting me share,
and contemplate with me, if you will  :)

Sunday, 27 February 2011

i live, i breathe

i've often thought about blogging, and with a little encouragement from my daughter, who just started herself, i'm doing it!  i'm choosing to write today, on DAY 1, quoting a song by jon owens, because it says what i'd like to start with, so beautifully:

i didn't deserve Your grace, didn't deserve Your mercy
but still You took my place because You love me
and for You it wasn't enough to save my soul
to set me free and to make me whole
You had a plan for me, a destiny for my life
so i live to give You glory and i breathe to give You praise
You paid the ransom for me, and You took away my shame
You said that You delight in me and i know Your word is true
i live, i breathe, i love to worship You.
now i receive Your grace, i receive Your mercy
cause I wanna be like You and follow Your heart
and for me, it wasn't enough to take Your name
accept Your gift and remain the same
I want to honour You and bless You all of my days....
i live, i breathe, i love to worship You

thanks for letting me share, 
and celebrate with me, if you will  :)