* come now my soul, and worship this man, this God. come believer, and behold your Saviour. come to the innermost circle of all sanctity , the circle that contains the cross of Christ. and here sit down.
* what can He say? what words can change the evil in the hearts of men who glory in His humiliation? what can He do? come down from the cross and command them to bow and give Him His rightful place? how well He understands that if He did, the price for sin would remain on their heads, a price none of them can ever hope to pay.
* like a roar, the scorn at Golgotha reaches the portals of heaven. myriads of angels mourn, each one yearning to jerk the stakes from Jesus' hands and feet. but the love of God is a mystery into which angels can only long to look. the Saviour of the world will not save Himself and let mankind be damned to the hopelessness of hell.
* and the Light of the Word is extinguished for a few hours on a hill called Calvary. men, who love darkness rather than light, demand a sign. God gives them a sky that matches the blackness of their own hearts.
* Father God, how rarely have i thought of Your pain, in watching Your Son die as He did. But You were there. You watched, and You wept, and You did nothing. i rest in my unworthiness of such love, and ponder Your mercy, flowing down, for one such as me.
see His love
see His love nailed onto a cross
perfect and blameless life given as sacrifice
see Him there all in the name of love
broken yet glorious, all for the sake of us
this is Jesus in His glory, King of Heaven dying for me
it is finished, He has done it, death is beaten, heaven beckons me
greater love no one could ever show
mercy so undeserved, freedom I should not know
all my sin, all of my hidden shamed
perfect and blameless life given as sacrifice
see Him there all in the name of love
broken yet glorious, all for the sake of us
this is Jesus in His glory, King of Heaven dying for me
it is finished, He has done it, death is beaten, heaven beckons me
greater love no one could ever show
mercy so undeserved, freedom I should not know
all my sin, all of my hidden shamed
died with Him on the cross, eternity won for us
such love, such love, such love is this for me...
such love, such love, such love is this for me...
so here i sit, even still, in the circle of sanctity, unbelievable love.
the cross of Jesus above me. and i'm caught in the overflow yet again...