these days, there is much talk and speculation about japan and the events there. in my own heart, i waver between the overwhelming compassion for the people there and the deep humility i'm feeling living here in peace and contentment. the contrast is striking. yet there is this gnawing ache in my stomach and in my mind about security. our security is indeed in God, not in our circumstances. Jesus spoke of that often. the connection between the spiritual and physical is real. it's only in being "caught in the overflow" that the peace that passes understanding can be had. the best picture of that in the Bible is Jesus in the garden the night before His supreme sacrifice. perhaps that's where i can go in these days of "unrest," sitting at his side rather than asleep, and entering in to the knowing that what's happening in our world today, whether it's natural disaster or political unrest and injustice, Jesus knows, experienced, understands and carries us. blessed are those who make the Lord their trust...
when peace like a river attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll
whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
it is well, it is well with my soul.
thanks for letting me share
and sit with me there, if you will.
its so true eh? so sad in Japan and now the radiation worries... Shows us yet again, that our only sure refuge and safety is in God Himself!