a journal ~ celebrating the power of God's love,
the wonder of grace, the blessing of peace and the living of JOY

Friday, 4 March 2011

manna and gathering

when i first realized that faith was indeed a journey, there would be "high" days and "low" days, "full" days and "empty" days.  and i began to notice that the high days were full days and the low days were empty days.  the high days were filled with God moments and mostly were either at conferences/concerts or tough days when i came to God because i needed Him.  mostly, my ordinary busy everydays were low and empty.  i found myself wanting to have high days everyday, but most opinions were that "highs aren't real and don't really last".  i prayed about that and felt that God said something quite different.  we were meant to live high and full.  and that's when i found myself "caught in the overflow".  like manna, His grace is more than enough for everyday; it's there and available, i simply need to go out and gather.  it's become a habit, an awesome habit that compels me to approach His throne.  so much of worship music lyrics today speak of drawing near to God:
"press in to the heart of the Father
hold fast to the grace received
breathe in the life of the Spirit
and with all faith believe
believe on this the Word of Life
our Lord the Christ has come to save us
receive by faith…"
God's presence becomes real when we believe and receive.  receiving introduces an awareness that changes everything. 
"all of You is more than enough for all of me
for every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
and all I have in You is more than enough
You are my supply, my breath of life
You are my reward, worth living for
You're my sacrifice of greatest price
You're my coming King, You are everything
still more awesome than I know…"
more than enough.  for today.  for every moment.  awesome...

thanks for letting me share,
and gather with me, if you will.  :)

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